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Setting up Discord-Dashboard

Creating config.json

We will be creating a new file, config.json, which will house all our important (and secret) settings! Paste the following code into the file and replace as necessary:

    "discord": {
        "token": "discordToken",
        "client": {
            "id": "clientId",
            "secret": "clientSecret"
    "dbd": {
        "port": 80,
        "domain": "http://localhost",
        "redirectUri": "/discord/callback",
        "license": "dbdLicense",
        "ownerIDs": ["Dashboard Admin Discord User IDs"]

The configuration above will not work unless you change the values of the properties.

Creating index.js

Create a new file, index.js (or anything you'd like) and paste the discord-dashboard handler into it.

// Define Packages
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const config = require('./config.json');
let DBD = require('discord-dashboard');

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] });

const Handler = new DBD.Handler(
            Keyv storage instance
            Example: { store: new KeyvMongo('mongodb://user:pass@localhost:27017/dbname') }

            Can be left empty to use the default storage (Keyv with SQLite)

(async ()=>{
    await DBD.useLicense(config.dbd.license);
    DBD.Dashboard = DBD.UpdatedClass();

    const Dashboard = new DBD.Dashboard({
        port: config.dbd.port,
        client: config.discord.client,
        redirectUri: `${config.dbd.domain}${config.dbd.redirectUri}`,
        domain: config.dbd.domain,
        ownerIDs: config.dbd.ownerIDs,
        useThemeMaintenance: true,
        useTheme404: true,
        bot: client,
        settings: []


ownerIDs is an array of Discord User IDs. These IDs will be able to access the dashboard's admin and perform admin actions such as creating feeds.
It must be an array, even if you only have one ID and also must be defined!

Generating a license

Before you can use discord-dashboard, you need to generate a license.
Once you've generated a license, add it to the configuration file.

Implementing Soft-UI

Now that we've setup the basic functionality of discord-dashboard, we can start implementing Soft-UI!

At the beginning of index.js, place this line of code:

const SoftUI = require("dbd-soft-ui")

On line 21 of index.js, you'll see the following line of code:

bot: client,

Press return to create a new line and place the following code on said line:

theme: SoftUI({
    storage: Handler,
    customThemeOptions: {
        index: async ({ req, res, config }) => {
            return {
                values: [],
                graph: {}, // More info at
                cards: [],
    websiteName: "Assistants",
    colorScheme: "pink",
    supporteMail: "[email protected]",
    icons: {
        favicon: "",
        noGuildIcon: "",
        sidebar: {
            darkUrl: "",
            lightUrl: "",
            hideName: true,
            borderRadius: false,
            alignCenter: true,
    index: {
        graph: {
            enabled: true,
            lineGraph: false,
            tag: 'Memory (MB)',
            max: 100
    sweetalert: {
        errors: {},
        success: {
            login: "Successfully logged in.",
    preloader: {
        image: "/img/soft-ui.webp",
        spinner: false,
        text: "Page is loading",
    admin: {
        pterodactyl: {
            enabled: false,
            apiKey: "apiKey",
            panelLink: "",
            serverUUIDs: []
    commands: [],

Majority of the code above is **required** and the theme will break if it is removed; take caution when removing parts of the config.

This config is minimalised and is actually very customisable! View the documentation to view all possible customisation options.

Complete Setup

You've successfully setup Soft-UI!

Your code should look something along the lines of:

// Define Packages
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const SoftUI = require('dbd-soft-ui');
const config = require('./config.json');
let DBD = require('discord-dashboard');

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] });

const Handler = new DBD.Handler(
            Keyv storage instance
            Example: { store: new KeyvMongo('mongodb://user:pass@localhost:27017/dbname') }

            Can be left empty to use the default storage (Keyv with SQLite)

(async ()=>{
    await DBD.useLicense(config.dbd.license);
    DBD.Dashboard = DBD.UpdatedClass();

    const Dashboard = new DBD.Dashboard({
        port: config.dbd.port,
        client: config.discord.client,
        redirectUri: `${config.dbd.domain}${config.dbd.redirectUri}`,
        domain: config.dbd.domain,
        ownerIDs: config.dbd.ownerIDs,
        useThemeMaintenance: true,
        useTheme404: true,
        bot: client,
        theme: SoftUI({
            storage: Handler,
            customThemeOptions: {
                index: async ({ req, res, config }) => {
                    return {
                        values: [],
                        graph: {},
                        cards: [],
            websiteName: "Assistants",
            colorScheme: "pink",
            supporteMail: "[email protected]",
            icons: {
                favicon: '',
                noGuildIcon: "",
                sidebar: {
                    darkUrl: '',
                    lightUrl: '',
                    hideName: true,
                    borderRadius: false,
                    alignCenter: true
            index: {
                graph: {
                    enabled: true,
                    lineGraph: false,
                    title: 'Memory Usage',
                    tag: 'Memory (MB)',
                    max: 100
            sweetalert: {
                errors: {},
                success: {
                    login: "Successfully logged in.",
            preloader: {
                image: "/img/soft-ui.webp",
                spinner: false,
                text: "Page is loading",
            admin: {
                pterodactyl: {
                    enabled: false,
                    apiKey: "apiKey",
                    panelLink: "",
                    serverUUIDs: []
            commands: [],
        settings: []

Having issues?

Join our Discord server if you're encountering any issues!
Make sure to give us detailed information on how to reproduce this error and any logs/errors you see in the console.

Released under the MIT License.